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Between Kebap and Diploma (Zwischen Döner und Diplom)

As a German Chancellors Fellow, I documented the educational outlook of Turkish pupils, part of Germany’s largest minority. For this nonlinear storytelling project I shadowed seven pupils at school, at home, and in the mosque. I built relationships, shot portraits, conducted and edited interviews in German, and designed the interface. In addition to the website, I helped produce an accompanying booklet with support from the Humboldt Foundation and Regionalverband Ruhr.​ (In German)

Rising from the Rust

introduces viewers to the Ruhr Valley through anecdotes and photos of the Ruhrgebiet's own citizens. Following the closure of coal mines and steel mills, the Ruhr Valley has undergone a revolution, turning industrial sites into cultural spectacles. For this interactive project, I conducted all interviews in German, shot all photos, edited all content, and designed the site in Flash. The project was supported by the Bosch Foundation and was part of the Ruhr Museum's long-term exhibit at Zollverein in Essen.

Lori Herber | Journalist - Editor - Designer | Köln, GERMANY | EMAIL: info(at) | copyright 2022 ©  | IMPRESSUM​​​​

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